
Prepare Your Building for AODA Compliance
Jennifer Gignac Jennifer Gignac

Prepare Your Building for AODA Compliance

Prepare Your Building for AODA Compliance If you are in property management, you need to rapidly brush up on the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) if you don’t…

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EV Fires in Parking Structures - What you need to know
Jennifer Gignac Jennifer Gignac

EV Fires in Parking Structures - What you need to know

Despite progress with the advancement of technology and electric vehicles, property management, building owners, and firefighters are faced with the challenge of EV fires in parking structures. Given the enclosed…

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Compliance - Whose job is it anyway?
Jennifer Gignac Jennifer Gignac

Compliance - Whose job is it anyway?

The importance of having an up-to-date fire and life safety program in place is crucial to saving lives and protecting property. There are many organizations involved in the implementation and…

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