
  • New construction and renovations are subject to Building Code requirements. Multi-residential, industrial, commercial, healthcare facilities, and retail are subject to a multitude of challenges and responsibilities. Ignis Building Solutions can help you manage Building Code compliance whether it is design review, project management, or administration.

  • Fire codes and standards are subject to continual updates and increased scrutiny from inspectors. We will ensure your team and building(s) are up-to-date and code compliant.

  • Resolving a Notice of Violation issue can require a multi-faceted plan that may require more time and resources than had been allocated. We work with you, the inspectors, and any third-party contractors to help you resolve the violations and be compliant as soon as possible and as thoroughly as possible.


  • As equipment ages, codes and standards evolve, and technology improves there are many reasons to engage in an equipment lifecycle audit. The capital costs of replacing systems can be large and may take time to plan, tender, and implement. Get ahead of budgets and approvals with an audit of what will be needed and when. The lifecycle audit uses a team of dedicated fire protection experts to ensure you get a comprehensive report. The report includes a review of each piece of equipment outlining for building owners and representatives the reasoning for recommended timelines.

  • Our Fire Safety Plan team will ensure you have an easy-to-understand plan and aid in the training and implementation of the plan at your property, along with providing any assistance required with the installation of the emergency signage.


  • Fire Safety Plans must be reviewed every 12 months to ensure that the plans are current.  Our annual review will ensure your fire plans are up to date and code compliant. 

  • Review your existing budget plan and capital plan for Fire Protection to ensure you’re not in for any surprises that put you over budget. A complete lifecycle assessment of your Fire Protection Equipment will ensure your budget and capital plans are up-to-date and accurate.

  • Smart building technology is continually developing and offers a good way to optimize your building’s operations and energy consumption. Ensure your fire and life safety equipment is incorporated into smart building technology effectively and is in compliance with Fire Code requirements.

  • We will manage contract tendering for your project. Reduce the time and stress related to comparing quotes and qualifying contractors by engaging Ignis Building Solutions to help you manage the process and make the best choice.

  • Coordinating multiple service providers, inspectors, and budgets to ensure everything is code compliant to avoid costly delays.

  • Ensure drawings are to Fire Code standards and proposed designs allow for operational effectiveness. Many times, designers do not take into account operational needs. By utilizing Ignis Building Solutions, you will ensure drawings are reviewed for Day 2 operational efficiencies, such as ensuring safe access to equipment for inspection, testing, and maintenance.

  • Application for permits can be tricky. We will help guide and manage the process for you, whether for a Fire Alarm Replacement project or a new build.

  • Our comprehensive Health & Safety Assessment ensures compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA). A Health & Safety Assessment helps you promote the well-being of your workforce by identifying hazards, assessing risks, and implementing preventive measures while ensuring legislative requirements are met.

  • Our comprehensive accessibility audits give a clear snapshot on how user friendly your building is for all.  One in five Canadians live with some form of disability, the accessibility audit will show you how to eliminate barriers so that everyone can use your building and services.

  • Get equipped with a holistic, easy-to-read report on the compliance status of your building. Take a proactive approach, quickly identifying issues or weaknesses so they may be resolved before an inspection, incident, or fine.

  • Be prepared with a complete tenant build-out manual. We offer a review to ensure the planned and completed work complies with fire codes and the building’s base plan.

  • New builds, renovations, or retrofits – we have you covered. We will offer licenced, experienced professionals to complete your projects on time, on budget, and ready for inspection.

  • Don’t fall for band-aid solutions when it comes to fire and life safety systems. We provide comprehensive services for ongoing maintenance and service programs. The inter-related systems require expertise that can provide a 360-degree view of your systems to ensure the scope of work has you covered.

  • Smoke Control systems can be complicated to understand, Ignis Building Solutions specializes in making the process easy for you. Whether it is to do a current state assessment, develop a sequence of operations, commissioning a new system, or testing a smoke control system, we have you covered.


  • CAN/ULC S1001 Integrated System Testing has been codified in the Building Code and is a requirement of all new construction where fire protection or life safety systems have been installed. Ignis Building Solutions have Certified ULC S1001 Integrated Testing Coordinators to ensure this important task is done properly and that all fire protection and life safety systems installed are operating correctly.


  • Third-party verifications, as required in CAN/ULC-S537, ensure the fire alarm system and the various system components are installed properly and are working correctly. Verification occurs when new fire alarm systems are put in place and/or when additions or modifications are made to existing fire alarm systems. Our team of dedicated CFAA Fire Alarm Technicians will ensure your Third-party Verification is done properly.

  • Ensuring the Fire Department responds quickly is extremely important in ensuring the safety of occupants and reducing the damage a fire may cause. Ignis Building Solutions can help ensure your Installation and Monitoring Services are installed and certified to CAN/ULC-S561.

  • Our experts can aid in helping you develop building specifications and best practices for your manuals and operating procedures. Whether you’re looking for standard operating procedures for maintaining your Fire Protection Equipment or design specifications for a Fire Pump replacement, we do it all.

  • One of the most important things you can do is ensure the application and integrity of your fire-stopping products are up to standard. Fire stopping plays a critical role in preventing the spread of fire within a building by maintaining compartmentalization. We provide detailed Fire Stop audits for your facility, assist in the repair process, and develop policies to prevent and minimize damage to fire stopping.

  • Smoke control systems are designed to protect evacuees, emergency first responders, and reduce smoke damage. More fire related deaths are as a result of smoke inhalation than fire itself. Smoke control management systems have recently become a focus of AHJs during their inspections.

    Smoke Control systems can be complicated to understand, Ignis Building Solutions specializes in making the process easy for you. Whether it is to do a current state assessment, developing a sequence of operation, commissioning of a new system or simply testing a Smoke Control system, we got you covered.


  • The Ignis Accessibility Audit Program (IAAP) includes an independent audit of your accessibility features and functionality by qualified professionals. Results are benchmarked against the national rating system to determine whether the building is considered accessible and/or what scores could be improved. This program is a cost-effective alternative to the standard government channels while maintaining the level of compliance needed for your building and its visitors.


  • We offer on-site and remote fire warden training for your property that outlines the roles and responsibilities of fire wardens and reviews the unique structure of your property and how it relates to the fire safety plan. Our training is customized for each property’s specific needs.


  • Practice is so important to ensuring everyone understands the proper processes to follow. Our facilitators will demonstrate and walk through the appropriate steps and actions to take in the event of a fire alarm or emergency.


  • Emergency Preparedness Training provides staff and occupants the ability to identify emergencies and act accordingly. Learn how to evaluate issues that arise before, during, and immediately following an emergency. Our training will ensure you are ready for any emergency, from a First Aid emergency or an Active Shooter event. We got you covered.


  • Building Owners and Managers have a lot of responsibilities, leave it to us to train your staff to ensure all Occupational Health & Safety and Fire & Life Safety needs are covered. We offer customized solutions for each client to fill in any void or need in training. Our experts have extensive backgrounds in managing facilities and understand the wide array of training requirements for Building Owners and Managers need.

  • We work in partnership with Health and Safety College. For more information on their programs please go to:

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